Rabu, Oktober 19


Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!
Waaaaaaaa !!!!!!
Kyaaaaaaa !!!!!!

Yups 22 Hari lagi I will Be Ari's Wife, Owh My,,, Owh My,, Ijust Can Not Wait
Rasanya Ga bisa di jelasin sama kata- kata,,
Rasanya Pengen Teriak -teriak terus loncat- loncat gitu deh hahahhaha

Walaupun cobaan datang bertubi - tubi bikin tekanan bathin, bikin stress, bikin bikin yang lain nya deh
Semoga semua berjalan dengan lancar ya Allah, Amin Amin Amin :)

Wish Us Luck Guys ^_^

Ari & Dessy

Jumat, Oktober 14

Aku & My Sweety Panda :)

Hari ini kerjaan ga sebanyak hari kemarin, hari ini kerjaanya cuma sedikit, dan seperti biasa kalo ga ada kerjaan atau kerjaan nya sedikit mata gw ga bisa di ajak kompromi, yah Penyakitnya adalah ngantuk,,,,
dan untuk menghilangkan ngantuk maka gw cari aja kerjaan yang kira- kira belum beres, iyah 1 kerjaan yang dari kemaren gw tunda- tunda soalnya ga sempet terus, nah pas gw selesai ngerjain tuh kerjaan gw buka Yahoo Messenger gw, 
Ternyata ada pesan yang masuk ke YM gw,  kaya gini kata- katanya 

I had closed the door upon my heart
and wouldn't let anyone in
I had trusted and loved only to be hurt
but that would never happen again
I locked the door and
tossed the key as
hard and as far as I could
My heart was closed for good

Then you came into my life and
made me change my mind
just when I thought that
tiny key was impossible to find
that is when you held out your hand
and proved me wrong
inside your palm was the
Key to My Heart
You had it all along 
dan ada kata- kata  lagi yang masuk :

I knew your dreams
Because we used to talk
For hours at a time.

I knew your friendship
Because you were always there
When I needed your comfort.

I knew your pain
Because you trusted me enough
To share your past with me.

I knew your fears
Because you helped me
To see that mine were the same.

I knew what was important to you
Because you were always
So honest with me.

I knew your goals
Because I felt the enthusiasm
In your words when you talked of them.

I knew your guidance
Because you patiently explained
The things I didn't understand.

I knew your heart
Because I saw right into it
And felt it a part of my own.

I knew your honor
Because you let me go
When I fell in love with you.

And I knew your love
Because you wouldn't let me dream
of us together.

Hmmmm Terharu bacanya, Iyah mungkin karena 'dia' Jarang bikin kata- kata kaya gini buat gw, 
Hey Honey, Thanks a lot for this, I felt the luckiest woman coz i've you in my life. 
Love U So Much,,,,